Wolf Serenity™ Decking
With High-Density Cellular™ Technology
Low-maintenance decking that repels moisture and maintains color to give you long-lasting beauty. Wolf Serenity Decking is a durable, weatherproof alternative to wood that is easier to preserve and protect from the elements. However, going with a synthetic product doesn't have to mean giving up the natural look you love. Wolf Serenity Decking mimics the look of real wood and is available in Golden Cypress, Amberwood, and Harbor Gray, among others. All Wolf Serenity Decking features our ColorWatch100® Technology — a premium finish that offers long-term protection against harmful UV rays, so your purchase will retain its original luster, season after season.

Wolf Serenity Decking Features
Premium ASA ColorWatch100® Technology provides industry-leading color retention
Moisture, mold and mildew resistance make it ideal for coastal applications
Authentic color and texture of real wood
Resists rotting, delaminating, splitting and cracking
Strong and durable, yet very lightweight
Easy to install using traditional and hidden fastening systems
Reversible 1" x 5 ½" deck boards available in 12', 16' and 20' lengths as well as ½" x 11 ¾" x 12' rimboards
ICC Code Compliant – ESR-2824